Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm backkkk

Hey everyone,

After much contemplation and wise advice from my Mr C and my great friends, I decided to keep Purple Umbrella as a personal blog.  I felt my work blog wasn't "Janet" enough, you know what I mean? It just lacked my crazy stories, random food pics and of course, random sound effects (wooohooo!!).  Anyways, this blog will mostly be for my friends, and people who randomly stumble upon this blog (a big hello to you!).  If you know me well you know I love telling stories all day long... :P  I guess this is just my outlet for doing just that...

Last week was American Thanksgiving and I had the pleasure to spend the whole week with Mr C.  We renovated the house and finally finished painting! Did I tell you the house is now an awesome shade of "Perfect Taupe", "Raffia Ribbon", and "Sandstone Cove"? I'm not sure if it's normal to feel so much love towards paint colors, but I can tell you I just sigh like a love stuck school girl.  I'll have to post some before and after pictures of the renovations.  I'd say we are 80% done, but we still need to finish up the stairs and the hallway.  Who knew hardwood would be so difficult to finish? It's been 6 months :P yikes.  Anyways, during that vacation, we also had the chance to do some yard work.  Unfortunately Mr C stubbled upon a hornets nest in the bushes.  Those crazy bees chased him all around the front lawn.  It ended with 0-1... Mr C being the 0, along with a bruised forehead. Strangely enough, I had avoided the leaves around that bush because I felt there was something there... :P The bees didn't get me, but the compost did! The bottom of my compost bag broke in our front lawn.. I was horrified.  lol, what do you do with compost all around you??? Use leaves to scoop it up of course. ;p

Black Friday came and went just like that.  We were originally going to line up for Wal-mart, but as many of you are aware it's crazy.  I'm kind of glad we didn't go line up, but part of me still wonders what it's like to have a mac. lol.  I did pick up towels at Macy's, that's as exciting as it gets :P

That's about it! I'll try to post more food adventure pics soon.  I've missed them!

Take care, catch ya later!
