Thursday, April 25, 2013

Craft Project + what's for dinner?

Hey everyone,

Wow, can't believe the week is almost over.  Just 1 more day and we hit the weekend running... woo hoo. Since it wasn't raining today, I decided to make a trip to downtown Seattle.  Headed straight to the Daiso and found some awesome stuff.  I bought some craft items (double sided tape, craft puncher and an exacto knife).  I also found these piggy socks... they felt so soft and were so cute.  Haha, ok, I must admit, these were impulse buys... but you guys knew that already right? lol

Anyways, back to the post.  Mr C bought me some Japanese Washi paper for my birthday, and I didn't really know what to do with them until today! I decided to make some Washi tape as well as some heart Washi stickers! Pretty simple to just need a ruler, double sided sticky tape and also a craft punch.  This was actually inspired by one of my friends, since we constantly chat about craft stuff.  Thank you A.F.

Basically you need to cut your paper into the width of your sticky tape.   I used an exacto knife, but scissors will work too. 

 Once cut, you can start to lay your paper strips onto the sticky side of your tape.   If you look at the picture below, it's easier to stick the paper from the top down, rather than side to side.  When I tried to do it side to side (going left to right), my paper strip didn't line up with the tape anymore. Urgh D: 

If you want heart stickers, just use a craft punch, and punch away! :) Make sure you make a clean punch or else your hearts will look like you chewed on them.  I also used a pair of small scissors to pluck the sticker away before releasing the punch.  

 There you have it! :) Washi tape, and washi hearts.

You can use them to seal up envelopes and on your notebooks :)

 So pretty ^-^  Now you have an excuse to buy more pretty paper! Scoreeeee :D

Before I forget, this was tonight's dinner.  Pork and eggplant.  Yummy! :D  I followed this recipe with minor changes ( and I must admit it was really REALLY good.  The sauce was AMAZING. 

Take care everyone! 


  1. I love washi tape! Thanks for the tutorial! I find regular washi tape isn't very strong. I bet using your own double sided tape makes it stronger. I'm going to try it!

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    2. You're welcome. Please let me know how it goes :) I'd love to see a blog post on it if you have time :D
